Keep your home safe while you’re away


Getting ready to go on vacation can be all-consuming—what to wear, what to pack, what to leave behind—but wait, what about the house?

We’ve got you covered.

Handle the items on this checklist and you’re good to go. We’ve included home maintenance tips, kitchen and bath reminders, and 10 ways to protect your home from theft while you’re away.

Home Maintenance

1. Turn off water valves to the dishwasher, washing machine, and all sinks.

2. Set the water heater on “vacation” mode to save on your heating bill.

3. Unplug small kitchen appliances and tech gear like computers, televisions, and sound systems.

4. Make arrangements for your grass to be mowed.

5. Set your thermostat to a temperature closer to outside temps (warmer in the summer).

6.  Make sure your smoke detectors are working properly with fresh batteries.

7. Leave your emergency contact information with a neighbor. Give them contact details for services you use, such as lawn service or plumber, in case something comes up.

Kitchen and Bath Reminders

1. Throw out perishable food in the refrigerator or on the counter before you leave. 

2. Check the pantry for opened containers that could attract bugs while you’re away.

3. Take out the kitchen trash and empty the compost container.

4. Run the garbage disposal to flush out food waste.

5. Put chlorine in the toilet bowls to prevent bacteria build-up and staining.

Home Security: Keep Your Property Safe

1. Go online to and put your mail on hold.

2. Put newspaper and milk deliveries on hold.

3. Set at least one light in your home on a timer.

4. Park your car in the garage.

5. Ask a trusted neighbor to park in your driveway occasionally—and give them a house key just in case.

6. Whatever you normally do with curtains and blinds, keep them that way.

7. Make sure all doors are locked, including the pet door.

8. If you keep a spare key outside, move it while you’re away.

9. Notify your home security company that you’ll be out of town.

10. Consider waiting to post vacation photos on social media until you’re back.

Vacation’s more fun when you can forget about the house, knowing you’ve taken the necessary steps to protect it. Happy trails!